Time to wrap-up 2011. I'm quickly posting a few pictures before starting my scrapbook (now that the papers are organized and just waiting for some creativity to spark!)

Jan 07

We have snow! :)

Jan 15

It looks like the storm is over. The power is back; internet is back. Yay! We had 2.5 inches of snow, followed by 11 inches of rain with high winds. Some trees just couldn't take the stress and the power lines got in the way of the fall.

Jan 20

fried brain cells anyone? a tasty treat... I'll share! :)

Feb 01

A friend of mine shared this with me and I was like "WOW" I want to see this next time I'm in Berlin! ;)

Mar 21

stores love me. I know this for a fact - every day I get emails inviting me to come visit! Of course, I could tell them to go away and leave me alone.... but then who would write? :p

Mar 26

Late this afternoon, Mark's dad fell off a trailer while helping off-load hay. Mark and his mom took him in to urgent care thinking he had a broken collarbone. They sent him to emergency, where it was discovered that not only the collarbone is broken, but also 10 ribs (3 in multiple places) and a vertebrae (I don't remember which one). He also has a partially collapsed lung. He'll be staying over-night for observation.

Mar 27

I just had a lovely shower with my horse, Gypsy, in my wonderful indoor wash stall complete with warm water - so much better than washing outdoors, stringing a hose through the shop so we can have warm water! Now, I need a shower to get cleaned up! ;)

Mar 28


Apr 21

A few people have asked for an update on my father-in-law. On the 20th, he was feverish so we took him to emergency to have him checked for pneumonia or other ills. The hospital finally released him on Wednesday, still not knowing what is wrong. He is taking the antibiotics and they seem to keep the fever down but he is looking forward to being off of them as they cause a bit of... ummm... other discomforts.... He is starting to cough a little, but says the pain is down.

Apr 22

While bathing my horse yesterday, I was thinking how fun it would be to visit someone. Then, I thought of the perfect way to get my husband to take a trip any where in the country!

The person just needs to buy my horse!

Now, before you reply, let me tell you about her endearing qualities...

She seems to be related to a pig, spending her free time wallowing in the muck, requiring frequent bathing if you want to ride.

She has heaves, but refuses to take her medicine because she is sure it is poisonous.

She is slightly barn sour, so when you do get to ride, for the short time that her lungs will allow before she collapses, she will suddenly make a 360 and head straight for the barn at full speed with you hanging on hoping that she doesn't go under a low limb on the way since the steering and brakes no longer work.

She is certain that she is better than the other horses and will frequently kick the metal gate if another horse gets too close, causing a perpetual swelling in her ankle. I have quit trying to manage the swelling. Stupid horse can just deal with it (she's not lame and it doesn't seem to hurt - I think most of the swelling now is scar tissue or callus).

Ok, now that you know how truly wonderful she is, don't you think you want her? Can't live without her? Huh? Huh? Don't 'cha?

Apr 24

I spent several hours writing a lengthy email and it has vanished without a trace :'(

Apr 24

backups are positively worthless if you can't find them. Or, worse yet, if they don't work!

May 07

update on father-in-law: He has started physical therapy. Still a long ways to go.

May 23

enjoying a digital visit with my friends and family here...

Jun 09

there are occasional disadvantages of not seeing where you put your head... Mark will have to salvage my glasses again. I may not be able to see where my head is, but I can surely feel it now! :P

Jun 17

Gypsy had a self-reminder this morning to "act her age". She was trying to mimic the younger Ishtar by flipping her head and flipped herself right on over. She sat for a while glaring at her back legs for failing her yet again while she patiently waited for Mark to bring the tractor around to pick her up. Silly horse.

Jun 21

Brötchen mit Käse bitte, kein fleisch. Speghetti Eis für dessert. Danke.

Jun 23

It just dawns on me that I'll be missing another Olympics season. Cable just isn't worth paying for for 17 days of awesome sportsmanship.

Jul 27

Thank you all for my birthday well-wishes. I have been richly blessed.

Aug 01

Today was a "real" summer day for a change - with sunshine and every thing!

Aug 03

My hair and I had a lengthy discussion this morning about what it was going to do. I lost. I'm so out of practice!

Aug 04

Here's a picture of Adora playing the guitar and singing in her new school :)

Sep 02

Today I am thankful for gel ice packs. I was canning, lifted the lid and did a semi-decent job of steam burning my face. :(

Sep 09

Mark is sick. His fever spiked at 105 this afternoon. :(

Sep 13

Mark's fever was up and down last night, though it didn't reach 105 again. The 105 only lasted a little while thanks to tylenol and ice packs. He was a little delirious, but he's been worse. He's never had a come-and-go fever last so long though - this is day 5, with yesterday being the worst (I hope!).

Sep 14

Mark is still sick. Another long, sleep-deprived night. *sigh*

Sep 18

Mark has been ill for 11 days! He's never had such a battle with a respiratory infection! The good news is that it has been roughly 48 hrs since he's had a high fever and he was able to sleep 2+ hours at a time last night.

Sep 22

Ok, so the other day I was saying that Mark was starting to feel a bit better. Then, boom! he takes a turn for the worse. So, if I now say he feels like he's on his death-bed, he should be all well tomorrow, right? *yawn* In the mean time, I better take a nap in preparation for tonight's watch.

Sep 24

Last night was much better (shhh... don't tell Mark I said so! ;) ). We are both more optimistic about his recovery. :) I did some reading on pneumonia. With his symptoms, it appears to be bacterial pneumonia and will run its course in 3-4 weeks. So, we have another week or so to go. How fun. Watching how violent he has to cough to get the thick, sticky phlegm out of his lungs I am no longer surprised at the high mortality rate there is for those suffering with this. It would be easy to run out of the necessary energy to clear the lungs!

Sep 25

A few days ago, Mark was feeling well enough to walk around a bit outside. From then on, things have gone downhill. He was too weak this morning to pick Gypsy up (Robert did a good job though). Now, he's on his way to the hospital. I decided to stay home so the girls wouldn't worry as much. It's going to be hard waiting for news.

Oct 01

It's been verified: pneumonia. Mark responded well to the medication given him at the hospital, so was able to come home last night. :) That is not to say that the night was easy sailing though :( However, he IS breathing easier. The effects of the tussin-codeine cough syrup given only lasts two hours, so I am still going through my arsenal of herbs and such each couple of hours :p He probably would have licked this without the antibiotics if he had just stayed in and rested until the cough was gone. This relapse was worse than anything we've experienced! In the mean time, his boots are confiscated ;)

Oct 02

Last night didn't start so well, but after I got Mark's fever under control he slept soundly from midnight on. Me, I was too busy waking up every hour or so to be sure that he was still breathing! What do you mean you are sleeping? Are you ok? (no, I didn't wake him - just thought to myself) lol

Oct 03

I know that many of my friends and family have "bitten their tongues" about Mark refusing to go to the doctor. I want you all to know that I have appreciated the support that you could give despite the difference in your and his opinion. Thank you! ?

Oct 03

Balancing a check book is so easy when you have no money! What did you start with? Nothing. What did you end up with? Nothing. All done! :D

Oct 08

Mark is up and around again. :) He's happy to be able to sleep laying down without coughing. Now, the trick is to keep him from over-achieving and having another relapse! :p

Oct 08

Wonderful. Mark is feeling better; now, Arianna has a sore throat. *sigh* At least, it appears to be a common cold. Miserable, but not life-threatening. :)

Oct 09