Apr 27

Arianna is an official driver! Now she just needs to learn how to back the horse trailer so she won't be like "those" people who own horses and can't back a trailer... Hey, don't look at ME!!!! I don't have a license. That's MY excuse. :p

May 01

I recently returned from a trip to see my Dad and daughter and just added a few pictures to my 2015 album :)

Jun 20

Diana D. Kelley is feeling shocked.

it hit 100 today!

Jul 18

So many birthday wishes... you all make me feel so loved!

Aug 01

I have intensely grieved for a dear friend that died two weeks ago. During this time, I've had a difficult time eating and lost six pounds. Now, I want to eat every thing in sight! How disgusting is that? :p

Aug 19

30+ elk were just outside our back fence in the middle of the day!

Oct 21

I think the feeling of being mauerbauertraurigkeit may be due to the inner dragon waking up while feeling onism and jouska at the same time...

Oct 31

My Smokey (kitty) is sooo happy! For some reason, he quit sleeping is his heated kitty bed after 5+ yrs of contentment. Mark cleaned it, checked it for hot spots and such, but Smokey absolutely panicked if we tried to put him in it. After much deliberating about whether to buy him a new bed or not (what if he's afraid of the new bed too??) Mark put a dog house with a hound heater in the garage where Smokey sleeps. We weren't sure how difficult it would be to teach him to go through the plastic panel door, but as soon as Smokey realized that it was a warm space it became his favorite spot ever! I have such a thoughtful husband that takes such good care of my critters!

Nov 14


This morning, as I yanked the covers off of my teenage daughter, I declared "I release you from the confines of your covers, I free you from the bondage of sleep." She mmmm'ed and turned over. Apparently, she prefers the "bondage of sleep" this morning. ;)

Jan 09

Adora wanted an orchid her 17th year and I was all No, it needs a grow light... well, this third blooming without a grow light has 12 blooms! Guess I was wrong... ;)

Jan 16

So happy it's spring weather... Arianna gave the lawn it's first cutting for the year and now I have a headache, my lungs ache, my joints hurt, and my eyes are watery and I only spent 5 minutes outside (I wanted to play with my horse, but that quickly became out-of-the-question). Next month I get to see an allergist and find out what they can do as I just get worse every year :(

Feb 07

Mark's not very happy with our morning visitors... Flashing lights hung on the fence worked for a couple of years (not any more). He put the electric tape up last year, but the buck just hooks it with his antlers and takes it down. Barbed wire doesn't bother them either. I figure if he really wants them to stay out, he'll have to build a taller fence... meanwhile, they know where the good grass is ;)

Feb 25

Elk are enjoying breakfast in our front "lawn"

Feb 25

This morning the elk were holding a committee meeting trying to decide which section of the fence to leave through...

Feb 28

My hellebores have an abundance of blooms this year!

Feb 28

The furnace kicked on... guess it's time to close the window... *sigh*

Feb 28

I'm happy to report that after many years of not being able to play the keyboard (for both physical and emotional reasons), that I started playing again 6 months ago. Mark has been wonderful and playing his guitar along with me. It brings me such comfort and joy! His playing the guitar for me was one of the things I fell in love with when we met :) I have tried singing a little recently, but lack of use has left me sounding like a strangled frog most days... maybe one day...

Mar 05

Smokey and I spent some time on Pintrest today looking at birds... If you don't have Pintrest and would like to see our favorite Flying Jewels, you can see all 20 of them here:https://www.pinterest.com/eolreflections/animals/flying-jewels/

Mar 07

Not only did we look at humming jewels, we admired eagles too... 18 can be seen here: https://www.pinterest.com/eolreflections/animals/eagles/

Mar 07

Three days without allergy pills... I'm back to not being able to walk the length of the house without stopping to catch my breath. *sigh* Thankfully, I see the allergist tomorrow... The questionnaire asks: what are your allergies? I feel like writing: hay, fresh mown grass, pollen, mold, dust, sawdust... you know... about every thing that surrounds horses and I LOVE my horses! So, basically... I'm allergic to my life. :p

Mar 08

Diana D. Kelley is feeling frustrated.

Just got back from the allergist... I'm not allergic to any thing!! Apparently, my body just can't handle the additional irritants and I get allergy-like symptoms. Although it is a frustrating diagnosis, at least we know...

Mar 09

What Is Your Spirit Stallion?

Mine is: Mongolian - Calm & Firm

You're calm and cool. You know exactly who you are. You're patient, but persistent. You always stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not the popular choice. Some people think you're stuck in your ways, but that doesn't bother you. It just means you know what you want. You're respectful and hardworking. You don't wait for other to fix something. You fix it yourself. You're rough and tough in all the right ways.


Mar 10

I've been told that I'm grumpy at least a dozen times today! The last time, Arianna said: Mom, don't let that dragon out! LOL

I feel more relaxed after my barn "therapy"; but, apparently, the "dragon" is still showing itself...

Mar 10

Smokey is snuggling and does NOT want to be disturbed... Mark came over to kiss me and Smokey reached out and popped in with all claws extended! LOL

Mar 11

On my way through the garage on a mission, Smokey meows loudly: It's about time! You came to hold me, right? RIGHT??? Me: Of course. Mission scratched.

Mar 15

Cleaning can be hazardous... especially if you are not paying attention to where you are - as was the case a short time ago... I was looking at the ceiling to see if I missed any cobwebs and tripped over the coffee table!

Thankfully, the floor is padded, so my bruises aren't as bad as when I hit the barn floor! The coffee table is still in one piece... and I don't think it will complain much about it's bruises... ;)

Mar 18

My daughter gave me new hair length descriptions today... short, medium, long, and... Magical! She said that any one that can hair as long as mine without it becoming matted has to be magical! ?

Mar 19

Ok, I want a big house that looks like a cabin and it can be in the woods if I have a nice big arena to ride in so the trees don't come over and slap me off of my horse... of course, that takes a lot of money... but at least I don't need a fast car... ;)

Mar 21

I love this poster! May we all "hand out sticks" for the brave warriors that need our help along the way from time to time!

Mar 22

And it is the Lord that gives us the hope and strength to move forward! Without that, to me, there would be no point in pursuing the healing!

Mar 26

Currently taking a moment to drink some lemon water (I didn't get up early enough to have it before breakfast) and relax a bit... I was cleaning the living room... while returning the couch to its rightful place, I backed into a plant, which knocked it over, dumping very black plant water onto our beige carpet... *sigh* I guess I better get back to putting the living room back together!

Mar 28

3 weeks off of allergy pills! The good news is that Mark reports my violent jerking at night has gone down to mere twitches and I rarely feel every joint in my body now :) The bad news is that my snoring has increased significantly. *sigh* I need to discard some body clutter... that should help!

Mar 29

I felt powerful this morning when, for the first time ever, I was able to start the pull start gas pressure washer! :) Of course, that feeling quickly dissipated as I was only able to clean two horse stalls (almost 1300sq ft - we have very large stalls!) before my body felt thrashed! I guess I'll do the other two stalls on Thursday and do something easy for the rest of the day... like scrub baseboards with a toothbrush... or maybe just wander around the internet... lol

Mar 29

Arianna talked me into going for a horseback ride while the family was gone to town! I looked at her and looked at my pie crusts that I was working on and she said Just leave them! And I did! LOL It was so fun! Though, I must admit that I am sore after only two laps around the field... ;)

Mar 30

Apr 04

A noise in the barn woke me up this morning... my old horse, Gypsy, was down and had her foot caught in one of the gates of her stall (she has four). I took her hoof out, left the gate open, and came back inside to wake Mark up so he could pick her up (there is no way I'll try it!). When we got back out there, she had a fresh inch long gash on her face thanks to one of the dogs! :( They've tried helping before by pulling her tail or nipping at her legs, but biting her face? Made me feel bad for having to put her halter on! I'm guessing that the dog got too close to investigate and she scared him when she started thrashing, trying to get up, and scared him. Still... I'm not too happy about it!

Thankfully, we had a fairly easy time getting her up this morning. She was in a hard spot to get to, but Mark is an awesome tractor operator! There are many people that I would be afraid to have them try to pick her up (like me!) for fear that they'd move the forks in the wrong way and drop her, or run over her, or smash her against a wall, or something! Mark has done this for me for many years now! My heart is full of gratitude!

Apr 12

Just used the my inhaler for the second time today... guess if I'm feeling this rough tomorrow I better start my allergy meds again. :(

Apr 12

playing games with Chrissy and Miles (his first time!) :)

Apr 12

Just yesterday, I was looking all over for the phone... took me several minutes to remember that I had given it to my daughter to use! lol

Apr 20


I must have had a strong mother!

Apr 21

Just sitting here, snuggling with Smokey, next to an open window listening to the birds sing, trying to calm my swirling mind

Apr 27

The last two weeks have been weird... what started as telling Mark that I need a break because I can't handle confrontation and negativity quickly escalated into me leaving for good. Yep, we're getting a divorce. Mark thinks I've lost my good sense... maybe I have, but we leave for MN tomorrow... so, I'll be offline for a while...

Apr 30

Hello every one! We've arrived safely at Daddy's :) My sleep schedule is completely messed up! lol Now to figure out where every thing goes! Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words - they are much appreciated!

May 05

My horse, Gypsy, died yesterday at 32yrs old. We were together for 24yrs and Mark gave her the last 5yrs or so by picking her up when she was down. Yesterday was a traumatic experience for both Mark and her as she fell 3 times before having to be put down. Nothing more could be done for her and I'm sure she was in tremendous pain. I'm thankful that Mark has been there and was able to do this for her... I'm afraid that I would not have done well had I been there!

And so ends a major chapter in my life.

May 06