Affirmations for Riders, Equestrians, and Horse Lovers
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I am strong
I am a competent rider
I am confident
I am grateful for the love my horse and I share
I trust my horse to respond to my cues.
I am free to be me
I am living my dream
I have courage
I am at peace
I am patient with myself and my horse
Our Best is Good Enough
I trust in my ability to be the leader my horse needs
I release the past and let go of the future. I am fully present in this moment.
I am tuned in to the callings and longings of my soul
I am fearless
I am in control of what I think, feel and do
I am improving all the time
I deserve my horse time to show up in life with a more positive attitude
I always stay calm and collected when my horse and I are learning a new task
I have a great relationship with my horse and we have lots of fun together
I am open to learning and trying new things with my horse
I have balance
I am calm
I choose to appreciate the challenges that my horse brings
I give unconditional love
I am improving my partnership with my horse
I choose to enjoy myself
I am a positive and proactive rider