Our youngest just brought home Bob's next big project: a replacement
engine for the car (it's engine gave out just before the move).
It is super exciting to have a garage that, not only is big enough for
all of us to work in without the need to shift tools and tables around
to accommodate the current project, but also has doors tall enough for
the truck to get in! Super awesome! [little happy dance]
I spent a few days with the grandkids for their birthdays. I thought
I took a really cute picture of my grandson watching tv with the pink
ukulele that my dad and step-mom got for him... you can totally make
it out, can't you?
Yeah... I'm not very good with my phone camera...
A few days before I left to spend time with the grand kids, one of
the cats had a batch of kittens. She had them hidden in a small hole
in the hay, so I couldn't get a picture. I am not done cleaning that
section of the hay shed, so I was glad that mama moved the kittens...
Bob finished the car this weekend and had left the window rolled down...
thankfully, he found the kittens under the front seat before rolling
the window up and parking it in the sun! [I shudder thinking about it.]
We moved the babies to a box in the garage last night; but, the mama
has hidden them again. Their eyes are open and they are starting to
move around, so we should see them again soon.
This little guy stayed to watch me weed until a cat came by and scared
him away.
I am officially tired of cleaning the hay shed and wanting to move
on to a different project. I am leaving some for next year... there
are sections of wall that have hay stuck in them. I'm leaving it - for
now, any way. Currently, I am finally ready to schedule a dumpster to
haul off the moldy carpet.
Thinking of other projects that need to be done... Bob came home early
last night and asked if I still wanted to weed eat (he didn't have time
to start it for me before leaving in the morning). I told him about
the big, bad weeds and that, yes, the weeds have got to go. So, he started
it up and made short order of about half of the weeds for me ...
then, the cutting head broke.
It is a Stihl and we have only had it for three years, so it was quite
unexpected. He said he'll look for a replacement tonight.
I ordered a dumpster, but it won't be available until next week. In
the meantime, I am tackling landscaping around the house next (these
are the "before I get started" pictures). The weeds have gotten
a little tall while I've been focused elsewhere.
We are also trying to find the corner markers of our property. We even
invested in a metal detector to get the job done... only to learn that
Minnesota doesn't require all corners to be marked in rural areas, so
this may be a wild goose chase.
Mud baths are supposed to be good for you... right?
The #1 reason for moving out-of-town was to spend more time with my
horse (most everything else could be done on 0.5-1 acre in town) - maybe
even ride him. However, with all the moving, cleaning, and what-not,
I have not taken that extra time.
Well, Bob gave me some encouragement to support my desire to prioritize
my horse time by giving me a custom made bridle for my birthday.
It has taken me a couple of weeks to take the time to get a picture,
but I still feel bad when I take time for myself when knowing there
is plenty of work to be done... it is one of the things that I need
to adjust in my life. It should get easier now that the most of the
work is what I choose to do and not what needs to be done for the mental
and physical well-being of all.
Destiny isn't sure about having a bit in his mouth again. He prefers
Bob's riding with a halter. This is only the second time that I've put
the new bridle on and he is already starting to relax about it. We will
spend a few more sessions of just having it on before I think about
getting on him. I may move super slow, but neither of us will benefit
from a panic attack.
Our youngest brought home something that has been on Bob's wish list
for 6 years... Bob has given it a tune up (minus two easy parts) and
now the guys are waiting for snow!
They have said that they won't mind the wait though.
Bob repainted this metal treasure for me and told me that I could
hang it where ever I wanted... so, I put it on the hay shed where I
can see it nearly every day.
I told Bob that I have finally decided what I want to do for a garden
area. I want a 2ft tall, 4 ft wide raised bed that goes the entire length
of the front lawn (we are talking around 400ft)! He looked at me and
said: have fun with that.
I will! It may take 5 years, but I will enjoy the process.
Thinking of goals... I reviewed my goals for the year and discovered
that I haven't completed a single one.
Of course, when I made them last December, I had not planned on that
respiratory bug knocking me down for a few months and had nearly given
up hope to own a place! So, I am not too discouraged about this lack
of progress. I guess I have a head start on my goal list for next year
(I may still start a new habit or two this year)!