I am salvaging what I can from a backup of my old facebook posts. Today, I'm working on 2019.

Four years ago, I was distressed because it had been 3 looong days since I had been able to go out to the horses. And, it had not been the first time that winter that I had to skip traveling the 10+ miles and allow others to feed due to the weather. When I was able to go out, it was always after dark. Since I have Retinitis Pigmentosa (making me very much night blind), this was always challenging for me.

Now, I can go out to feed twice a day (regardless of weather) - and during daylight hours! Sooooo much better!

True for any goal... working out, diets, relationships, personal growth, spiritual growth...

The snowmobile didn't want to start when the temperature was below zero. However, it's in the 30s now and the guys decided to have a little fun circling the yard before the snow melts.

I was considering my life path and realized something... my mom was right. A little late to share with her, but she would enjoy knowing it.

You see, as a child, she told me that I should be a teacher. I was teaching Bible studies and women how to embroider and cook. But, I told her: no, I don't want to be a teacher.

When I had my children and decided to home school, my mom told me that I would be a good teacher. But, I told her: no, I don't want to be a teacher (even after I proved to be a good teacher)

Now, I'm realizing that teaching/sharing on subjects that I know about comes quite naturally and easily to me... I can't shut it off!


I may as well embrace this gift that the Lord has given to me.

I AM a teacher!

I have finally finished restoring my blog. It now includes my life journey from 1996-present day. And what a journey it has been!

I am so thankful I was able to do this! It has been a project that I have wanted to do for quite a long time.

I am striving to Be Unstoptimistic!

There is no driveway, nor road, this morning. Bob has taken a sick day and the neighbor has told us he will be out when he can.

I combined three images (hence the lines) to give a panoramic view from the ground. There is a four foot wall of snow in front of the garage. The red truck is nearly buried.

I haven't made it out to the barn yet this morning... I forgot to recharge my gloves last night.

We were not able to open the front door as of last night. Yet, the deck stayed nearly clear (most of what is on it is accumulated ice that we haven't bothered to clear).

I just got back from feeding the horses. I walked around the corner of the garage and was met with a wall of snow. Thankfully, there is about a foot space in front of the hay shed door that I dropped down into.

The horses are literally snowed into the barn. It is just as well that the horses are locked in the barn... there is also no fence in several areas. I literally stepped over the four foot gate.

At least the barn is large enough for the horses to be comfortable while this snow lasts. In the mean time, I broke down and ordered snow shoes. Of course, I will have a path fairly well worn it before they get here.

We have been dug out. I think there may be snow here from this 8-9ft hill in June... lol

I finished my second reiki class to level 3 (Master) today. I'm still processing the information and find that I still need a bit of practice.

I have snow shoes! Woo-hoo!

I tromped all over the place with them with zero sudden drop to the knees (despite accidentally ordering a size too small for my weight). I am so glad - that sudden drop has been getting a bit hard on my back. And, look at those teeth! Wow! No more slipping in the icy areas!