One of the exercises in my Confidence course is to think about areas that I am confident in or have been in. How does that feel? How do I act?
My first thought was that I am not confident in anything. Then, I over simplified the thought and imagined an empty, well lit, level room. I can absolutely, confidently walk across such a room. Then, I was able to think of plenty of other situations that I am and have been confident about.
I don't get overwhelmed.
No one needs to tell me how to do it.
I don't feel the need to ask permission.
My perfectionism doesn't get in the way. When going through this empty room, it doesn't matter how I walk or run or skip or dance. It doesn't matter how fast or slow I go. If I trip on my own feet I can laugh about it.
Then, I had a major “a-ha” moment...
I suddenly realized that I don't have a problem with perfectionism in myself when I am comfortable in my environment and my understanding of the task that I am doing. When I am comfortable, I can easily deviate from "perfection" and enjoy a little creative license. I can also laugh at my own mistakes when I understand what it was that I did. And, I don't care if others do things differently than I do or learn via a different method than I do. I do have a need my surroundings to be orderly because chaos overwhelms me to the point of distraction, but the area doesn't need to be "perfect".
For the first time, I understand that I am not a perfectionist. It is a learned behavior (to avoid negative responses... think bad grades, being told "you're doing it wrong", or being teased) and a coping skill to deal with anxiety. Whoa.
I don't know what difference this new realization will make in my life, but... wow. It is certainly a different view of myself than I've previously had! I really like it!