It has been 2 weeks, but I am finally feeling more myself.
As of yesterday, I can pick up a bale of hay again
I also must need a boost of motivation and confidence or something because I've gotten nearly 100 friend requests on Facebook today!
It has been 2 weeks, but I am finally feeling more myself.
As of yesterday, I can pick up a bale of hay again
I also must need a boost of motivation and confidence or something because I've gotten nearly 100 friend requests on Facebook today!
Something has happened that has left me traumatized and disgusted.
While helping someone going through a breakup separate belongings in their garage, I found a bucket of... a very smelly substance. As it turns out, it was an emergency deposit back in February. That's fine. you know.... when you gotta go, you gotta go! Right? But, I seriously want this person to clean up their own mess.
It's disgusting.
However, the person is quite angry about circumstances and previously told me to NEVER contact him again.
So, doing the next best thing, we contacted the sheriff's office to file a complaint. Only, we were told that there is nothing they can do about it and will not even contact the person so they can arrange clean up!
We contacted the MN Environmental Protection Agency about it and... they told us to throw it away.
We have all these wonderful rules and regulations on file for dealing with this kind of waste in order to prevent the spread of disease and there is no recourse against this? Seriously?
Fines are understandably levied if you leave dog piles in your neighbor's yard.
Jobs can be lost if a worker is caught not washing their hands due to what invisible dangers might be lurking.
Yet, not even a complaint can be lodged against an abandoned bio-hazard left in an open, unmarked container in an area potentially accessible to small children?
You can get into more trouble tossing a cup of soda out the car window on the highway than this? !
So much more could be said.
Just Wow.
[Edited to protect the privacy of those involved.]
I was reminded of this quote this morning. It is soooo true! It is especially true in traumatic times and for small children waiting for... just about any thing!
Spice had SEVEN kittens - with no still borns!
They are living in our enclosed porch and we are hopeful that that will give them a healthier start with less respiratory and eye stress than if outside.
The vet wasn't sure if Spice was altered or not when she came to live with us... well, now we know!
A few months ago, I was thinking that I would need to give up on my gardening
plans for the year due to my health. Now, it's nearly the end of April and it
is obvious that I need to accept that passing thought as true. Although I am
doing better health-wise, I am still weaker than my normal and there have been
so many family issues unfolding these past months that, sad as it is, I am no
where near comfortable starting such a time and energy consuming project as
a garden this year.
However, the electric company was giving away some bareroot trees and I enjoyed
getting my hands a little dirty by temporarily planting them in buckets nearly
a week after picking them up. I was away from home for a few days when they
became available, but I really wanted them and told my youngest to just place
them in a bucket in a little leftover potting mix until I got home. Once I managed
to make it home, I realized that they were a bit bigger than I had expected
and needed a lot more soil. Hopefully, I haven't already killed them, but
this will allow me a couple of months to watch for signs of life and prepare
a permanent spot for them.
The trees are: Hackberry, Black Hills Spruce and Autumn Blaze Maple.
I am staying with my oldest and grand-children during a very stressful time in their lives. I have actually been here more this month than I have been home! I am missing home, but hearing my grandson tell me that he wants me to stay forever is heartwarming.
We live less than three hours apart, but with me not driving it still seems too far at times. I am thankful that the Lord sends spring blooms our way to enjoy despite the craziness of life.
Prayers that this upheaval will soon smooth out and allow the anxiety to dissipate.
Thank you all for your prayers! Today was a very intense day; but, being fortified with much prayerful guidance, we have made it through this hurdle. Many questions were answered and more will be answered tomorrow. Although I can't publicly go into details about all that has happened yet, my daughter is more relaxed and will be better able to handle the days ahead armed with knowledge and confidence fueled with that knowledge.
A little update...
The hearing for my oldest went well with many questions getting answered.
"Dad" had a lawyer (she had not been able to get in contact with one
in time for this, but will have one for possible future proceedings), who actually
reassured my daughter that she was correct in many things... like being allowed
to know where her kids are going to be and being able to refuse to allow the
kids to go with "Dad" when he is angry.
The order for protection against "Dad" was dropped on technicalities (no police or medical reports), but she and the kids are still safe with the knowledge that was gained. Plus, "Dad" had already agreed to remove his name from the property (and that paperwork has gone through), so he can't just stop by any more.
And, even though "Dad" complained to the court about how long it
had been since he had seen his kids (3 and 5 yr olds) as this hearing had needed
to be postponed, he still has not setup any kind of communication with them.
Irritating man. But, I do believe that that is for the best for the family
at the moment.
There is still a lot of anxiety over it all and the possibilities that the future holds, but we have established the next steps that will be required and are attempting to relax in God's care.
I have been using a TON of essential oils, but haven't started trembling again despite the stress. I am very thankful for that!