Equine Activities: Enjoying the Simple Pleasures of Horses

At Healing Horse Touch, we provide a space for horse lovers to enjoy equine activities without the cost or responsibility of ownership. Whether you want to engage with the horses up close or simply observe, we’ll help you find the perfect activity for you.

While many, like myself, find immense therapeutic value in equine activities, we do not provide formal equine therapy. Instead, we embrace a holistic approach to health and healing, using horses as partners in a unique recreational experience tailored to each individual.

safety first

Safety Comes First

Equine enthusiasts of all levels are welcome, but we believe that starting with the basics is essential to building a strong foundation of trust between you and the horse. No matter your experience level, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned rider, establishing this connection is key to a successful and enjoyable partnership. Horses are sensitive and intuitive animals, and clear communication with them begins on the ground.

The Importance of Starting with the Basics

The first session not only introduces you to the horse but also helps you get familiar with the environment, safety practices, and horse communication. By starting with basic handling and safety techniques, you’ll quickly gain confidence and a better understanding of how to interact safely. Moreover, this groundwork prevents misunderstandings and builds mutual respect, laying the foundation for more advanced equine activities later.

equine activities basics

Reviewing the Barn Rules

Before we introduce you to your equine partner, we’ll go over the essential safety guidelines as outlined in our Barn Rules. For example, will cover important topics such as:

Proper attire (closed-toe shoes, helmets, etc.)
Safe distances to maintain around the horses
Approaching and greeting a horse safely
Handling tools and equipment responsibly

These rules are designed to protect both you and the horse, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Discussing Your Personal Goals

After reviewing the safety guidelines, we will then take time to discuss your personal goals and what you hope to achieve through equine activities. Are you here to build confidence? Improve communication? Or simply enjoy the calming presence of horses? Whether you want to advance your riding skills, overcome personal challenges, or connect with nature, your equus coach will tailor the experience to meet your needs. By understanding your objectives, we can customize each session to ensure you get the most out of every interaction with the horse.


Building this solid foundation sets the stage for meaningful progress in future sessions. When trust, safety, and communication are established early on, it opens the door to a deeper connection with the horse and a more fulfilling experience overall.

Foundational Activities

We begin with fundamental horse handling skills to ensure safety and establish communication between you and the horse. These activities include:

Safely approaching and greeting the horse
Hand grazing
Learning how to move with the horse
Understanding when to let go of the horse

Why Start with Foundational Work?

horse bad day

Even if you’re an experienced rider, starting with foundational equine activities is essential. These exercises build trust and strengthen communication between you and your equus coach. Once you’ve established a solid connection on the ground, we can introduce obstacle courses for added challenge. Only then, when communication is clear, will we discuss riding options.

Horses, like people, have good and bad days. They may sometimes feel sore or emotionally overwhelmed. Recognizing these signs is key to building a strong relationship with your equine partner. Since each interaction is a learning opportunity, we always revisit the basics to assess the horse’s mood and your connection.

What is an Equus Coach?

An equus coach is akin to a life coach, but with a horse as your guide. In other words, much like a life coach, your equine partner can help you recognize your strengths and areas for growth. This self-awareness can improve various aspects of your life—physical, mental, social, and spiritual.

Benefits of Equine Activities

Horses have a unique ability to reflect your true self back to you, offering valuable insights that can lead to personal growth. For example, through equine activities, you can:

Gain self-awareness
Expand your comfort zone
Boost confidence
Improve communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal)
Build trusting relationships
Strengthen your connection to yourself and others
Enhance your ability to set personal boundaries
Experience the impact you have on the world around you
Engage in sensory experiences that promote mindfulness and well-being

Horses and Emotional Release

Engaging in equine activities can often bring deep emotions to the surface. For instance, feelings of frustration, anxiety, fear, or inadequacy may arise when the horse doesn’t respond as expected. Therefore, these emotions must be addressed before riding, as horses are highly sensitive to your emotional state. Fortunately, an equus coach offers non-judgmental support, guiding you through these feelings and helping you manage them effectively.

Thankfully, horses respond to authenticity. They will sense if you’re being insincere, proud, or overestimating your abilities, which can lead to resistance or disconnection. So, to build a strong connection with the horse, you must be honest with yourself—a process that can be uncomfortable but transformative.

emotional release
unmounted equine activities

Unmounted Equine Activities

If you prefer to simply observe the horses, we offer unmounted equine activities. Horses are majestic animals, and their presence alone can be a calming experience. We will work with you to find a comfortable distance, whether you prefer to watch from just outside the stall or from the far side of the pasture.

No-Contact Activity Suggestions:

Breathing exercises or yoga
Artistic activities like drawing, coloring, or painting
Reading or journaling
Observing horse behavior and communication
Participating in feeding sessions

Even the most basic equine activities can inspire a sense of purpose, presence, and gratitude. Therefore, it’s easy to understand why so many people feel a deep connection to these incredible animals!

Schedule Your Equine Activities Today!

Are you ready to experience the joy, connection, and personal growth that comes from interacting with horses? Whether you’re looking for a new way to relax, seeking personal development, or simply wanting to be around these magnificent animals, we invite you to schedule your equine activities with us.

Healing Horse Touch Company
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