What is Equine Therapy?

Equine therapy, or horse therapy, is a unique treatment where individuals address emotional, mental, and behavioral challenges with the help of horses. In formal sessions, a licensed professional guides the process, but the horse plays a key role by responding to human actions and emotions. Though horses may not understand words, they are highly sensitive to body language, making it easier for people to connect with them. This emotional mirroring provides instant feedback, helping individuals process their feelings and gain self-awareness.

equine therapy

Benefits of Equine Therapy

Animal-assisted therapies (which includes equine therapy) have proven helpful for people with conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In Sioux Falls, centers like HorsePower offer equine therapy services, where individuals can work with a therapist to establish personal goals and create action plans to achieve them.

Not many can afford the luxury of enjoying sessions with a certified equine therapist. However, engaging in equine-assisted activities without one has historically offered substantial benefits. The natural, self-guided interaction between humans and horses has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in both children and adults.

Equine Therapy Facts

Research shows that interacting with animals, especially horses, greatly improves communication and social skills. This is because the strong emotional bond between humans and horses fosters natural expressions of love, trust, and connection. Moreover, equine therapy views both horse and human as unique individuals capable of forming deep, healing connections. Ultimately, horses create a sacred space for holistic healing, touching both heart and spirit.

Horseback Riding Benefits

One of the most well-known benefits of equine therapy is horseback riding, which mimics the rhythm of the human gait. The gentle movement experienced while riding can be deeply relaxing and therapeutic. The physical benefits of horseback riding include improved core strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Riding also offers a fun and active way to enjoy the outdoors.

Healing Horse Touch Equine Therapy Services

In many places, people can pay to spend time with horses. Although charging for expertise is common, we understand that not everyone can afford lessons or ownership. Therefore, our goal is to provide access to horses for everyone in our community, regardless of financial means. We aim to share the joy and comfort our horses have given us, especially during tough times.



Simply being around horses can be therapeutic. Sitting quietly while watching them graze or run in a field can be a peaceful experience. Many find it helpful for practicing unguided meditation, with the sounds of nature, such as birds singing, adding to the tranquility.



The repetitive motions involved in grooming a horse can have a calming effect on the mind. Some people find it easier to express their thoughts and emotions to a horse, as horses offer no judgment and can serve as great listeners.

supervised riding

Supervised Riding

At this time, we offer short, hand-led rides for individuals who lack the experience to ride independently. These rides are conducted in a safe, sectioned-off area, and riding lessons may be considered on an individual basis.

equine therapy education

Hands-On Learning

For those who learn best through experience, we offer hands-on education in basic horse handling and safety. We will start with foundational skills and tailor the learning experience based on individual goals.

horse care

Horse Care

Life circumstances such as job loss, health issues, or personal challenges may interrupt the ability to care for a horse. While we are currently full, we understand the need for temporary assistance in such situations and desire to be able to offer support in the future.

volunteer to work in equine therapy

Volunteer Work

We welcome volunteers who are eager to help with barn chores. Physical work and community service can be a great way to relieve stress. There are always tasks like cleaning stalls, moving hay, and maintaining tack that could benefit from extra hands.


Our mission is to connect people of all ages and backgrounds with horses in a calm, nurturing environment that fosters healing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.


In today’s busy world, many people find it difficult to maintain the resources and time needed to care for their horses. We believe that everyone, regardless of financial status, should have the opportunity to experience the profound benefits that horses provide. By working together as a community, we can create a space where everyone can enjoy and learn from these majestic creatures.


Our vision is to grow into a holistic equestrian center where members of the community can develop and practice horsemanship skills without the burden of horse ownership. We aim to provide a fun, safe, and educational environment that fosters personal growth along with the beneficial connection between humans and horses.

Meet the Equus Coaches

Equine therapy involves a variety of activities that promote mindfulness and focus. From grooming and feeding to riding and leading, horses serve as non-verbal coaches, offering feedback through their behavior. Even though we do not have a licensed therapist, the horses themselves can help people stay grounded and present.

For some, expressing emotions in words can be difficult, but horses’ non-verbal, calming presence offers a unique opportunity for emotional clarity.

Destiny equus coach


Destiny, once a trail horse in the Black Hills, is gentle and easygoing. He is usually the first horse we introduce to newcomers due to his calm nature.

Chrissy equine therapy


Chrissy was initially purchased as a gaming horse in Oregon. She has a sweet demeanor and loves to smile in exchange for treats.

Schedule a Self-Guided Equine Therapy Session

Are you ready to experience the healing power of horses? Reach out to schedule a time to meet Destiny, Chrissy, and maybe enjoy our feline friends too!

Send us a message

Healing Horse Touch Company
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